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Free D Li|\\/E____ Collection launch on Hic et Nunc.

100 freestyle digital drawings have 2 editions each. The first is for Tezos for people interested in my work. The second edition is free for friends and family, with or without wallet. How? easy… 1 edition-not for sale… a gift is a gift, technology is unnecessary for that. 

*The price of XTZ varies depending on when I charge the draw/animation.

This project turned into a series of works under the concept: release the drawing on the life line. In the search for the purification of thoughts or restrictions by society or tradition and the overcoming of fears with common sense.
The construction of the design is based on digital drawings that are generated and animated intuitively through a video jockey software, called Tagtool, which works basically without ctrl+Z or saved process by drawing on a tablet screen with your finger. In other words, this technique allows me to perform a visual expression, which is recorded in order to preserve the magical moment to bring it in a digital capsule (before C.-19 a digital piece – after C.-19 a NFT).

Serie: FREE D Li|\\/E_#001 – two editions of 100 drawings.

Freestyle finger drawing, 1080×1080 resolution, smart tablet, video jockey app (the process cannot be saved). – Made to be projected by a pico video projector. 

The creative development of this project is based on sketches or freehand drawings. These drawings create a focal point to establish an imaginary figure in my mind and then start the design with my finger on an application/software made for a video jockey called Tagtool (drawing and animation in real time). The drawings move between animals and humans and show a freedom in color palette and strokes. The audio is an inverse sound of the environment while recording the animation of the drawing with the mentioned app.

Important feature, the surface where the drawing/animation is projected.

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